
When an individual has a facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, they usually start exhibiting signs of healing ten days after the surgery. In addition to this, they are able to go back to work after a total of two weeks.

Full healing after a facelift can take some time. If you’re coming in for a facelift, it’s best to learn more about the facelift-recovery process.

The First Day of a Facelift

Like all other operations, the first 24 hours of a facelift are extremely important in order to determine whether the surgery was a success or not. The face of the patient is generally swollen and bruised. They must sleep upright, propped up on pillows, so that the swelling can decrease.

If the face of the patient bloats during this time, the swelling can become permanent and will not go down without additional work being required.

The First Week After Facelift Surgery

Patients are generally kept in bed until the seventh day, after which they can walk around for small stretches of time. Walking around improves the circulation of the face and helps with a speedy recovery and healing.

Additionally, patients are now allowed to watch some light television, do some reading, or carry out a couple of light household chores. But since they will still be fatigued, patients should be cautious and remember that they need to stop the moment they start feeling weak or tired.

The First Two Weeks

After two weeks, the majority of the swelling on the face will have gone down, and the redness will have disappeared as well. Patients might still have slight swelling or bruising around the face, behind the ears, and on the neck.

By this time, most patients will feel well enough to go back to work. However, if your job gives you the option of working from home, then you should work from home in order to allow yourself more recovery time.

You may also start to experience itching around the incisions. It is not advised to scratch them. Instead, put ointment on the places where it itches in order to reduce the intensity of the itchiness.

The First Month

By this time, all your incisions will most likely have healed. Your face may still have a little pinkness on the skin; it may take a few months for this pink color to fade away entirely.

It is not advised to step out in the sun yet. If you have to go out, cover your face with sunglasses and a hat.

Most patients can start exercising any time between a month to six weeks after the facelift. However, it is best to wait until you are fully cleared before resuming exercise.

The First Year After Your Facelift

After a year or less, the full outcome of your facelift procedure will be apparent in the form of smoother, tighter, and more youthful skin.

Contact Us to Set Up Your Facelift Consultation

For Dr. Foued Hamza, a skilled cosmetic surgeon, your safety is the primary concern. During your facelift consultation, Dr. Hamza will carefully assess various factors to ensure your procedure will produce the results you’re looking for. He personally attends to his patients during follow-up visits to ensure that all questions and concerns are addressed. Set up your consultation – contact us today.